Welcome to Gamification

The use of game elements and game design techniques in a non-game context is called gamification. It is one of the emerging trends in the field of information technology and development.At the most basic level, gamification is a method to motivate users by using the game mechanics to drive game-like engagement and actions. People love to play games. But in everyday life, however, most of them are often presented with job activities that are not very attractive, i.e. boring chores or stressful tasks. In light of this, this course will introduce game mechanics into non-game tasks and activities to make them more game-like (i.e. fun, rewarding, desirable, etc.), so that customers or users would be motivated to take part in these tasks.

Why I should take the course ?

Gamification as a business practice literally exploded over the last decade. Several organizations are applying it in areas such as marketing, human resources, productivity enhancement, sustainability, training, health and wellness, innovation, and customer engagement. For example, a training program (Nike+) motivates its users by using a game-based approach to exercise, and a company (Turntable) uses gamification for measuring your social performance. In support, Rangaswami (Chief Scientist of Salesforce.com's) suggests that gamification shapes the future of the business workplace. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no gamification approaches that address the managerial issues particularly in knowledge development organizations. According to Gartner gamification report 2011, “By 2015, more than 50 percent of organizations that manage innovation processes will gamify those processes”. In light of these remarks, we suggest that it would be useful for an IT professional to understand the notion of gamification, and use such a concept to solve a number of business problems (please see Syllabus).